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Javan loves to play sports but sometimes it's difficult for him to play. Javan has asthma, ADHD and anxiety. Javan likes to describe how he feels through imaginary adventures. Join Javan as he explains how he feels when dealing with asthma and anxiety by making a purchase on Amazon or clicking here.

Written by Javan Allison and Monique Cooper

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Sometimes Javan can’t breathe. Javan takes medication for his asthma to breathe but is there medication for being black? Read about Javan's thoughts on how he should breathe as a black young boy.

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       At the age of 2-months-old, Javan started developing problems in his breathing; which later he was diagnosed with severe asthma. In February, 2018, Javan’s simple cough led to him being admitted into a hospital ICU. On that devastating day, his parents were educated on the “dos and don’ts” of an asthma attack. Most parents and family members of an asthmatic child are not aware of how serious and potentially deadly this illness can be. Javan and his mom, Monique co-wrote children’s book on his disabilities. #AsthmaSucks is the first book in the series. Javan describes how he feels and ways to prevent severe attacks; all through imaginary adventures. The next two books to be released will focus on the topics of ADHD and Anxiety. Through these books, Javan and Monique are bringing awareness to parents who may not be aware of how detrimental this illness can be. Their goal is to help children understand their disabilities; so they can better communicate how they are feeling. They also want to help parents in understanding these disabilities from a child’s perspective. 

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